
Oh, Mama...

Mama, where's the sunshine??
I'm tired of reading....

It's been a gloomy Memorial week-end here in Sunny. On Friday night, we even stopped at the store and picked up a log for the fireplace. (This is not a normal activity for kicking off Memorial Day festivities.) We've had some rain, lots of clouds and very little sunshine. It seems to be peeking through the sky today, but we're not sure of it by any means. Therefore.... Max has been a bit disgusted with all of us. We've spent far too much time watching movies and sitting in front of those little boxes with our fingers moving in front of them. It seems we have one of those in every room now that JJ is home. We honestly don't have one in every room --- it just seems that way.

But there was one bit of brightness Saturday afternoon....Louie stopped by and gave us a quick salute! He has tail feathers and a yellow chest just like his papa, but he is about a quarter of his size. And he must have been very attentive during the flying lessons. He just soars!!! I hope to get a picture, but no promises. You'll just have to trust me.


Anonymous said...

congrats to Louie!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

That's a huge chair! I would enjoy getting lost in it. I'm afraid it would take up half my living room though.

We had a lazy day yesterday and back to school today for a final week of frenzy.

I can't wait for the slower pace of summer. And while my children nearly wear me out and send me over the edge, I am finally geared up for having them home full time.

School's in session most days for my son, and Miss Amelia likes to play school, so I've got her some stuff to keep her busy also!

We're going to Gatlinburg the 3rd week in June, and then my husband and Nick will be going on a mission's trip to Bolivia for two weeks in July. I'm a little concerned about that, but know that it will be a transforming time for both of them.

Enough rambling. Hope all is well in Sunny. Is that really the name of your town?


Anonymous said...

You can't imagine how much I want to curl up in that chair with Max while he is reading.

Kentucky Bound said...

Is there room in that chair for Brigi and me too? It looks just too inviting!

Way to go Louie! So glad he's doing well and growing up so fast.

Blessings and hugs!