
Never Been to Moab (except for maybe the one in Utah)

"Like fluttering birds pushed from the nest, so are the women of Moab..." Isaiah 16:2

Isaiah. That's in the Old Testament. The sixteenth chapter talks about the Moabites, refers to their pride, withering fields of Hebron, (I think there's a Hebron in Utah, too) and the weeping of Jazer. Yep, pretty hard to follow. That's why we have places like Fuller, AGTS, Wheaton and Vanguard. When you have a degree from one of these universities or seminaries you can explain tough chapters like this. Or at the very least, pronounce the biblical cities properly.

But in our town, Sunny, in fact --- at our house, in Sunny, we have been caring for some little birds pushed from the nest since Sunday. There is a nest right outside the office here and we discovered three little birds who had fallen straight onto the concrete.

I remembered seeing Lexie looking out through the wooden blinds on the office door and she would jump a bit, but I thought she'd just bumped into the blinds! She must have seen the little babies first! So...Sunday afternoon was spent with Mama Gracie doing her best to assist the newly hatched birds. They bounced around and hopped and their Mama and Papa stayed very close to them.

But alas, in the morning, Mama Gracie had large tears fall as two of them had not survived. About an hour later, after the sprinklers stopped, little chirps were heard from the middle of the lawn nearby.....Oh! Joy! So here he is (I think his name is Louie):

He spent Monday stretching those wings, enjoying treats from his mama, and chirping. He settled in for the night and we put up a piece of cardboard on one side to give him some security. There's no sign of him this morning, but I'm sure his Mom & Dad are giving him flying lessons. If anything else happened... well, this is not the Discovery channel and we are not going to discuss those options.

But back to those Moabite women and the birds being pushed out of the nest.... Isn't it amazing that God cares about "little Louie" and knows exactly where he is this morning (whether or not he's here or joining the Heavenly Hummingbird Chorus). How much more does he care about us? Here's one hint: "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Luke 12:7

I'm so glad God loves us whether or not we understand all the "Thee"s, "Thou"s, Moabites, Jebusites, and Mustnotites in the Bible. And I really hope the two baby birds still in the nest make it.


StitchinByTheLake said...

What a sweet story. I'm sure Louie will have a wonderful childhood, grow up, get married and have lots of little Louies! God is indeed good, all the time.

Cottage Contessa said...

What a lovely, but sad post. I do hope that little bird is ok. Thank you Grace for visiting my blog, and for taking the time to leave a comment. I really appreciate that a lot, and hope to see you again soon! Great to hear too that you've been to OZ and enjoyed your time Down Under, she really is a beautiful country. My family and I would really like to see the USA one day too! Hope you're having a wonderful week Grace.
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Kentucky Bound said...

I second that last comment! I'll bet this time next year Mr. and Mrs. Louie will bring their family by for a visit!


elaine @ peace for the journey said...


Thank God for good commentaries, although I can honestly say that I rarely understand the complexities of Scripture, and sometimes the commentaries are even more perplexing.

As to the birds, now that's something I can get my mind around. You are a good Mother Bird. I'm surprised you don't have a following fluttering behind you!


Anonymous said...

I love this!!!!!

Amy said...

one of my favorites!

we recently watched the whole process of a nest of eggs, in my MIL's yard, in a bush.

we saw them hatch, be ugly baby birds, & the momma get them ready to leave.

a week later they were gone.

talk about the whole motherhood process condensed down to a week.

then i thought about my own baby birds leaving the nest & prayed, COME QUICKLY LORD JESUS! (because I know my heart can't take it!!)