I could write a novel about my mother. She was truly amazing. But this is not the day for that... Mom thought she might be having a stroke (thanks to a head's up from a guest in their Sunday School class). She knew something was definitely wrong. The ER was frustrating; they didn't want to believe Mom when she said she couldn't swallow. She looked fine. She couldn't raise her arms as high as she normally did doing her nightly stretches. "So?" was the look we saw on their faces..... Within 24 hours, Mom was on a ventilator, fully paralyzed except for her eyelids and toes. And her brain was not affected in any manner. Imagine. We were told she had been attacked by this most unusual syndrome: Guillain-Barre. Oddly, even those who are the most severely stricken usually recover. Mom was recovering neurologically months later, she actually had the best physical therapy session of the six month ordeal the day she moved to hospice. It had all been just too much... 27 weeks after calling me, she ran to meet Dad and they danced together with Christ. My guess is there was a pretty big party that morning with more hugging than we can imagine.
This post is not intended to be a tear-jerker. But please, just in case one of your loved ones might be one of the 'one-in-one-hundred-thousand' who fight this illness...please take five minutes and check out this site. Guillain-Barre Syndrome Fact Sheet: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) It can hit any one, any age, any sex, any where, at any time.
I promise to post something humorous tomorrow. Really.
Thanks for reminding me that my Dad is amongst the best of company right now - as they worship their Saviour together! I'm glad they're having a great time!
But I sure do miss them all!!!
Really powerful post, Grace. That really your family by surprise. I so like how you put it that "they danced together with Christ" because that is so positive and something to rejoice about. I used to work for our church and before our deacon retired, he would tell our grieving families (especially around Christmas time) that their relative was having the biggest party with Jesus. Your words reminded me of his just now. :-)
Well, if you need an idea for something happy to write about tomorrow: Tag! You're it!
My 4-yr old & I were having a heavy duty discussion today about heaven. She said she can't wait (I said she'd better wait).
But it's the truth, seen through the eyes of a child, this world is not our own & when we're all spending eternity in glory, we'll know that first hand.
Glad for you that you have such vivid memories of your mom, she sounds really special.
Our mothers seem like "kindred spirits". Even on the way to the emergency room in an ambulance, my mother had to make sure she had her lipstick and earrings on!
What a wonderful tribute to your mother. What a wonderful reminder that as many wonderful things as there are here on earth . . . THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
We have a young man in our community who was struck by this disease in the Fall. He is 18, a senior, and his recovery has been slow.
Thank you for sharing about your mother. What a tender path you walk this day.
Your mother was so very dear to me!!!
I was just reading another blog that was reminding us to tell our mothers we love them... not to have any regrets...
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