
For You Cuz!

Yes, if you've seen my flower personality test result, it says I'm a mischievous prankster....We don't really know if those things are accurate, but posting this photo must qualify me for the title.

We recently visited my only cousin on my mother's side way out in the wilderness and he is just the best cook! He fixed two of these amazing treats - deep fried turkeys. Two! We had more fixin's than should be legal. There were far too many pies and they were fabulous! Yes, we finished them all off. None were left to save in the freezer for the fourth of July. Not a bite.

My cousin is also the best cousin in the whole world. In the past few years we've discovered we share many traits. We both hate to be late getting somewhere and we don't have a whole lot of patience for those who are...we remember phone numbers easily...we highly dislike phony people and can spot them quite quickly....we become extremely frustrated with electronic gadgets when we can't get them to work properly (we'd never admit it might be our fault) and then there's that dessert thing. You can never have too much dessert. Especially on your birthday. Especially when it's a big one.

So here you are Cuz, just for you, for your very special big day this week....

Happy Birthday!

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