
Babies and Sunshine

It's been a "Goodbye", "Welcome Little One", and oh no, oh no, "Oh how do you say goodbye now?" week...

To sum it up and try to keep the tears back ~ we're off to a goodbye celebration for a dear friend in the morning. She had a favorite spot and we're meeting lots of friends there on what we hope will be a beautiful day to share stories about her and give her husband a big dose of love.

My good friend's niece and her husband welcomed their little prince into the world last Sunday. He's everything you could ever imagine about a beautiful little boy. The videos are simply precious. They include lots of snuggling and baby sounds.

My sweet-sister-since-two-thousand-and-four also celebrated the long-hoped-for adoption of her first grandson. He's as darling as little boys can be. His hair curls and curls and all the girls will want to be his girlfriend when they're in kindergarten.

We also heard that our other friends back home (in the Midwest) welcomed their little angel-baby granddaughter into the world, too. Her photos are just like you'd imagine a tiny newborn with all the frills and ribbons and love. Except this little angel only stayed here for a couple of hours. She'd gone on to Heaven and I can't begin to imagine... well, I can't even express it.

I remember when my dear dad was passing away several years ago. It became so real to me that people lose their special someones somewhere every day. I decided to be more patient when I'm driving by the hospital near our house. And understand a little bit more when someone is irritated for no obvious reason.

And I also decided to celebrate the joys of births and adoptions and weddings and anniversaries as much as possible. These are the good days. And maybe someday I'll understand why the hard things happen. Maybe someday.


Joy Junktion said...

"And maybe someday I'll understand why the hard things happen. Maybe someday."

Yes, maybe someday. It is hard to understand WHY hard things happen, but drawing near to the Lord during them always brings joy to my heart and peace to my soul.

Blessings and prayers, Cindy

elizabeth embracing life said...

It's so hard to understand the bad times. Last fall my dear friend delivered her stillborn baby at 39 weeks while I held her hand. And then the blessing of precious babes all around me. So it important to celebrate the joys as much as possible. Life is precious both near and far.

Beth E. said...

I wonder sometimes if God is saying to us (the way we say to our own children), "You don't have to understand why. Just trust me."

There are situations our family has endured over the past few years that we may never understand (unless it is revealed in eternity). Although those times were extremely painful and difficult, we walked through them, becoming stronger as a result. Perhaps that's reason enough. :o)

Love you...