

On a bright Sunday morning a few weeks ago, we sat down in the mega church nearby. We're talking mega-mega... JJ was just back from the university out west and we were visiting a church just for fun. We were settled into the highest balcony and feeling those good vibrations from the massive sound system and we weren't quite sure what we should set our eyes upon. There were the small screens right above our seats, then the larger ones a few rows down, then there was the minister live - right there in the front of the stage and behind him were the two-story-tall screens full of the graphics to accompany everything planned for the service.

We'd just sat down following the worship when it happened: JJ handed me the bulletin. And he grinned.

I spent the next thirty five minutes listening (get it) ever so closely for the minister to refer to "lestening," but to no avail. Then at the close of the service, I realized the larger than life-sized graphic on the wall had been changed and all the "listenings" were identical.



Lakeville Vertical said...

Too funny. :)

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Lesten unto me: I attend a medium-sized church (and am on staff) and I'm mortified sometimes at the mistakes that get passed over. Even when you have a couple of sets of eyes reading, something always goes unnoticed. Keeps everyobe humble, I guess!