
How About This

Sometimes, especially on Mondays, you need a little heart-brightener. I received one today from my good friend Carol. Yes, I'm using her actual name and not making up a bloggy acronym like Friend-From-The-West-Moochie-Baby-Gal... It's Carol. And I have a few friends named Carol, so if you know me and have been to my house in Sunny, you'll just have to wonder which Carol it is that I'm mentioning here. (A little mystery is always more fun, eh.)

This is a photo of Carol's cat. Honestly ~ it is really her cat and not just some photo I found on the internet or somebody sent me in a collection of darling cat photos that you just love but really annoy you, because you don't have time to look at all 56 of them...

Do you see it? Is that not the most adorable heart ever on a cat?? awww....


sister sheri said...

Too cute! Hmmm... love little kitties!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Glad you pointed it out. I wasn't looking for it. Now a cross...that would be something!



Anonymous said...

this cat has several hearts...awe!