
A Prop I Tell You...

We've just finished a lovely week-end here with some new friends in Sunny. It was the annual Women's Retreat and we certainly did just that. The sunshine was beautiful, the food was quite tasty and only one friend got stung by a bee.

I was asked to help with a portrayal of great biblical truth at one event. We shared some wonderful views of Christianity as seen through children's eyes. Yes, you've probably read those in one e-mail or another. Kids' statements and confusions over what they hear in church make me chuckle, too ~ but then I usually find myself a bit sad as it shouldn't be so humorous to us. But that's the grown-up in me who wants kids to know just how much God loves them and not see the Bible or Church as such a mystery... I will, however, save that sermon for another day.

I'd brought my prop along and didn't realize I'd be sharing a room at first. Imagine what my roommate must have thought when she walked in and saw this on my bed:

When it was time to go "Night-Night" I did put it over on top of the suitcase...


sister sheri said...

Oh... you really should have cuddled that cute lambie all night... it does wonders!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

I would have gotten another roommate.
