
Off to the Post Office

Today's the day....we mustn't be tardy....this is the day to get our cards in the mail to our friends and family off in Whoville. E-mail greetings certainly are becoming the mode of choice these days due to the ever rising costs of postage stamps. Since Hallmark added music to so many of their selections, it seems we're paying royalties to all sorts of artists - just to say "Hope you have a Happy Birthday, Get Well Soon, or the obvious, Happy Valentine's Day." But once in a while, it sure is nice to get something in the mail.

DJ thinks I'm neurotic about the mail. He says I watch through the windows for the mail truck, just like his Granny did peeking through her curtains. I suppose he has a point. I do like to retrieve it promptly. In fact, he's probably right. I do worry about some identity thief taking our information and using our good names to buy a new refrigerator, sports car or send their Aunt Lulu on a cruise to the Mediterranean --- but in all honesty, I just hurry to the mailbox secretly hoping there will be a card from someone, somewhere, music or not, that will brighten my day. Or at least have a day with no new bills....


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the warm congrats :)
Just so you know, I had a Christmas card stamped and ready to be mailed, but it's still in my car with all the rest of the Christmas cards that should have been mailed...It should arrive within the next few months LOL!!!!! Oh...and whoever wants to send Aunt Lulu on a cruise can send me on one too, while they are at it :0)

sister sheri said...

Me, too. There's nothing like a personal note on stationery!

Anonymous said...

I like your new picture, it's the fun side of you.