
Sunny Times

It's been a lovely week here in Sunny. Honey and I went to have a quiet hour at the seashore one day and today we're going up to DJ's project for lunch. It should be beautiful as he works in a woodsy part of our world. We thought about making egg salad sandwiches, but he said he would prefer we find a local eatery. Egg salad has never been a favorite of his, as you may surmise.

I've been watching the news and seeing the snow in other states. How can that be? How can it be so gloriously glowing with springtime here and snowing there? Is it fair of God to allow us to have amazing beauty and yet our cousins and friends have to shovel their driveways in bitter freezing air?

And then I began to ponder ~ snow. Just think about snow for a minute... It comes down so tenderly and gracefully. The scene of the Walton's Mountain Christmas special does pop in my head... However if you wait a few hours the ground may become hard with ice, cars may freeze, trees may break from the ice, oh the sight can change so quickly.

Perhaps the imagined snow scene is merely a reflection of my week. I'm looking forward to a drive in the sunshine today. I'll think about snow again when we're ready for a fireplace here. And I'll trust that God knows where I should live, what I should do and whether or not I'm fit to shovel snow.


Beth E. said...

No, I don't think it's fair! Not for one minute! Get my bedroom ready...I'm on my way! LOL

No snow here, but it got down to the single digits in temperature last night...brrrrr!

Enjoy that wonderful weather in Sunny! :o)

sister sheri said...

Hmmm... I'm thinking Sunny is the place to live!

Anonymous said...

yes, it did snow a bit farther north than sunny- one day we had sun- the next rain- the next snow- back to sun- and so on...