
Heard 'Round the Kiddie Table

We'd been discussing Zaccheus in our small group with the 2nd graders. We'd talked about loving others, befriending new kids in class, loving like Jesus loved...I mentioned how much Jesus loved people and liked to have fun.

Somehow...I truly do not know how...the conversation turned to Jesus attending the wedding party and turning the water into wine. "Didn't that make everyone at the wedding sleepy?" I replied, "The wine Jesus made may have been a lot more like our fruit juice ~ we don't really know what it tasted like." "Well. When MY mom drinks wine she sure gets sleepy pretty fast." Then the room was filled with snoring noises faster than you could imagine...

I immediately began a game of snowball toss to take our thoughts to the afternoon's football match-up. We don't get much snow here in Sunny. I originally had other plans for that stack of white paper....


Beth E. said...

Oh, my...there ARE no family secrets where little children are concerned! lol

Lakeville Vertical said...

That is too funny!!
You must be so entertained by all these little ones. Ha! :)

elizabeth embracing life said...

Oh out of the mouths of these precious unhibited children. Thanks for sharing as this truly makes me just laugh.