
Bloggy Brunch

Recently I had a most delightful serendipity. Dear Sister Sheri and her family came to Sunny for a few days and we were able to meet for lunch. How absolutely fantastic! I was able to meet young Christopher and handsome Anthony and I can fully verify they are wonderful as she maintains on her blog, the Leaking Window.

We had a lovely time enjoying laughs, sharing stories of blog bits and discussing this crazy world of cyber-friends. We spoke of practical concerns and bloggers who don't have a single photo of them on their sites and the healthy limitations we should put in place when putting our personal information on our blogspots. What's the safest way to go from cyber-hugs to meeting for coffee that first time, for example. It was a delightful time together, for sure.

All too soon we had to say goodbye. I had to get back to tearing down that cave, and Sister Sheri and her handsome guys had to catch their plane for Far Away. Sometimes good things have to end much too quickly. Won't it be nice when we have all the time in the world for our sweet tea? That table by the sea will beat any in Sunny any day...


Shirley Mary said...

I think it is so nice that you have a real "live" person to share stories of blog bits. I don't have a single friend that blogs nor do they seem to know much about it. Well, actually, I haven't known what a "blog" was until about six months ago. And I spend more time in this "new world" than I should. One blog can lead to another and another and another and go into infinity!

I enjoyed reading the post by Max! :)


sister sheri said...

What a wonderful time it was! I'm so glad God brought us together!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is cool!

Kentucky Bound said...

Way Cool! I hope I get the opportunity to meet you both some day!

Blessings and hugs from The Creek!

P.S. Am I one of those bloggers you were speaking of that doesn't post a single photo of themselves on their sites? YEP! I post pictures of the WHOLE family EXCEPT for me! I hate to have my picture taken!