
Yes, I'd Like a Box

As you can guess...I've been to the Big Box store recently. I'm trying to use the bags so many stores are selling to help save on the use of throw-away bags. But somehow, they're usually not in the car when I decide to stop in and shop. Oh, dear!

Yesterday's adventure found me at the checkout counter with a shopping cart full of the larger-than-needed sized items. The nice young man helping me asked with complete innocence, (I'm trying to come up with creative ways to answer this question, by the way...) "Would you like a box Ma'am?" The only reply I could come up with was a swift, "Sure." In reality, I wanted to answer with, "No, I'd rather just carry each item into the house one at a time and pretend I'm getting ready to supply Noah's ark with laundry soap, treats for the puppies and Clorox." But I didn't. I just said, "Sure."

Upon arriving at the car, I found he had left the 2 gallons of milk in their box next to the box of fizzy juice sodas. On top of those was ONE BOX. One box which held the irritating package of individually wrapped chicken breasts, puppy treats, frozen fruit, cereal, bulk peanut butter, a grand package of pretzels stuffed with peanut butter, Thai peanut sauce (gallon sized), salad mix for Camp Pendleton, and oh yes, the chocolate sandwich cookies. After I carried each item in two-by-two I looked a bit closer at the cookie box. Much to my relief I saw that they are not genetically engineered. I'd never even inquired if my cookies were genetically engineered before. Who knew?

I think I've figured it out. If you bring your own bags, they have to put your groceries in them. It must be part of the incentive plan to only give you one crate if you request a box for your groceries. It certainly is reason for me to try to go green. I won't even begin to discuss the situation of trying to open the door from the garage to the house with my arms full of the pretzels, peanut sauce, salad mix, frozen fruit and puppy treats. You'll just have to imagine it...


sister sheri said...

Too funny! I have definitely become Oregon-ized... I feel guilty if I have to accept a bag for my purchases.. and if I do end up with plastic bags... I tell myself that I will use them as trash can liners... paper bags are used for containing recycling...

Beth E. said...

I have the same problem you have with bags. They are NEVER in my car when I need them!

This is the cutest story...thanks for making me smile (I definitely needed it today).

Beth E.

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Give me plastic everytime. Who has the time?! I know...call me evil. I don't care.
