
Time for a New Start

Is anyone here?  It's been 13 months since I've visited Grace Today, which is far too long.  The random question Blogger posted to me as I was updating my profile was about mud mixing with dirt and asked me what I thought clay was...  That's easy. 

Clay is an opportunity to be molded again and have  a fresh start.  It's been that sort of a year for me.  I'm no longer on staff at the church working with the wonderful creative artists that were my dearest friends.  I'm no longer popping in on my son and his lovely wife, Honey.  Last February they moved up north about five hours away.  We're so proud of them.

But Master Max is still here.  He thinks he's definitely in charge of our house now, and honestly, he probably is.  He helped cook the Thanksgiving meal, keeps all critters out of our yard and is trying his hardest to stay away from the Christmas tree. 

Life is full of new adventures and I'm searching to find the best way to find the best ones.  Is anyone else in this stage of life right now?  Anyone else wondering exactly how God is going to answer their prayers? 

We do know this.  God sees.  He hears.  He listens.  And He does care.  For today ~ that's enough.


1 comment:

sister sheri said...

I am interested in hearing how Max helped with cooking!