
Door #1

I'd rather have made a nice espresso. It's just been that sort of a day. Rush here, rush there, and rush some more. Poor Max had met me at the door and was so excited to go "check those coyotes" (our new term for, you know...). Unfortunately, Mama had to leave right again to make a quick trip to the Post Office.

I'd gathered my forty-two cents from the change holder in the car's console and rushed inside to buy the single stamp needed to mail the important document off to Central Central. Spinning around to drop the letter in the mail drop ~ I stopped. A very distinguished looking lady was putting her Christmas cards in the top slot. Two by Two. One - Two. One - Two. And so on...

As soon as she walked away I opened the large door right there underneath the teensy slot and dropped in my one lone envelope. Just because. And I smiled at no one in particular.

Max has been by my side since the moment I walked back in the door. We're going to have a good night of snuggle-time. It's just been that sort of a day...


Beth E. said...

Espresso..tried it for the first time last week. I must be quite sensitive to caffeine...I was so "wired" from drinking it that I felt like sparks were coming outta my ears! :o)

Snuggle time sounds like a wonderful idea....

sister sheri said...

Oh, how the lone envelope makes all the difference!