
O My Goodness, It's a Post from Grace!

Hi friends in Bloggy land! I have a story from last night that too many, far, far too many have asked me to share with you... so here it is. (I share it with all the love in the world, in case you know the dear friend to whom I am referring.)

As I was leaving church last night (yes, we have Wednesday night church) one of my very, very most faithful altos stopped me to explain her absence last week.

"Pastor, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be in the Choir last Sunday morning. My hair was so big. I was all out of hair product and it was just way too big. I did come to church anyway, though."

It's a good week here in Sunny...



Beth E. said...

Haha....that's a good one! I'm gonna have to remember it. I might be able to use it sometime! ;-)

sister sheri said...

Love it! And that would never happen here in rainy PORTLAND!